Tender called for skilled and semiskilled workers on dated 26/05/2014
and bidding date was 27/05/2014. But due to technical problem of our
society, the bidding process is postponed on 14/06/2014 (Saturday) on
11.00 am at Prakash Shikshan Mandal’s M.B.T. Campus, Islampur.

Islampur city is located three kilometers east of Pune Bangalore National Highway No. 4. in Sangli district, state of Maharashtra,India. It has easy access to three major cities viz. Sangli, Kolhapur and Karad.
          The City has major MIDC (Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation) area and it has been developing at appreciable rate. Two Spinning Mills viz. Deendayal Co-operative Spinning Mill and Shetkari Vinkari Co-operative Spinning Mill, which is part of Rajarambapu Udyog Samuh. The other industrial units are Weaving, Garmenting, Knitting and Processing. The other major industries are Rajaram Sugar Factory, Rajarambapu Doodh Sangh, Rajarambapu Solvex, Rajarambapu Institute of Gems and Jewelry, Hutatma Sugar Factory, Sarvodaya Sugar Factory etc accompanied by many small scale Industries. Recently Bombay Rayon started their new Textile plant near Islampur having around 6000 employees with 600 crore investment. The town has excellent Educational Facilities with number of schools and junior colleges. In addition, it caters Professional colleges providing higher education in Engineering, Pharmacy, Medicine, B.Ed., D.Ed. etc.


    Striving Excellence through quality education and     exemplary services.
    To provide global initiatives and highest quality         educational experience with dedicated team and

Shri.Nishikant Bhosale Patil[Dada],a young dynamic leader envisioned the need for education,health and social scope for rural areas and to cater those societal needs, started Prakash Shikshan Mandal in the Year 2002.

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